Star Safari Experience

-Star Safari monthly

+Location +Prices +Booking

Night Sky Observations
+Event Dates

Gallery of the Universe

Star Safari monthly

Every month, on a particular date, the Travelling Telescope is hosting a Star Safari, a tour of the night sky. It is a one-night camping trip under the stars with astronomers and telescopes that will enable you to look at the different wonders of the cosmos: planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies and so much more. Take a chance to operate a telescope to locate these objects and learn about them. You can even come with your own telescope.

We are partnering with Bunduz Camp to provide this experience.


If you are a camper you can come with your own tents and there is also the option of renting one of the Bunduz tents.

Food Menu

Protein: Chicken curry and vegetable curry
Carbs: Naan and white rice
Desert: assorted fruits

Eggs, tomatoes, pancake, baked beans, toast, tea & coffee, fruits


Transportation – it’s not provided, but the camp is about 1 hour from Nairobi town, and ride-share or Uber are both options.


Packages Prices:

You can decide to come with your own food and/or tents or they can be provided at the campsite.

Star safari only: 3,000KES
Star safari and tents only: 4,000KES
Star safari and food only: 5,000KES
Star safari, tents and food: 6,000KES

Prices are per person and less by 1000KES for kids below 12yrs.
It’s free for kids below 3yrs


Advanced booking
Contact: 0113 719096 for the booking information
Till no. 5324773

Night Sky Observations

Throughout the year different objects are visible in the evening skies. Planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus can be viewed through the telescope. They can either be in the evening sky, morning sky or not visible depending on the month of the year.

There are also the deep sky objects such as the birthplace of stars (Orion nebula, Trifid nebula…), stellar remnants (Helix nebula, Crab nebula…), star clusters (47 Tucana, Pleiades…) and galaxies (Pinwheel galaxy, Andromeda galaxy…) that can be seen through the telescope. These views are quite spectacular.

Event Dates:

2024 Dates

13th April Star Safari
Status: Booking Closed

11th May Star Safari
Status: Booking Available

15th June Star Safari
Status: Booking Available

Travelling Telescope

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